Pete Finnigan pete\ Copyright Ltd 2005, All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are hereby acknowledged,2025-01-06:%2Fweblog%2Farchives%2F00001588.htm Pete Finnigan pete\ I talked last week about an issue where I wanted to pre-create a unified audit policy with no rules so that I could create a number of policies for a customer in advance and then we could add the actions/rules....<a href="">[Read More]</a> <p>Posted by Pete On 06/01/25 At 12:22 PM</p> 2025-01-06T12:26:26Z 2025-01-06T12:26:26Z ORA-46373 - Correct Error number or Not?,2025-01-06:%2Fweblog%2Farchives%2F00001587.htm Pete Finnigan pete\ I have a requirement to pre-create unified audit policies and then add the ACTIONS, PRIVILEGES, ROLES etc after they have been created based on some stored audit rules for a customer. We tried to create a policy with no actions....<a href="">[Read More]</a> <p>Posted by Pete On 02/01/25 At 02:51 PM</p> 2025-01-06T12:26:26Z 2025-01-06T12:26:26Z ORA-46373 - Unified Audit Policies,2025-01-06:%2Fweblog%2Farchives%2F00001586.htm Pete Finnigan pete\ This is the second talk that I did at the recent UKOUG conference at the East Side rooms in Birmingham. This talk discusses how you should respond if you think that your database has been breached or if you unfortunately....<a href="">[Read More]</a> <p>Posted by Pete On 19/12/24 At 02:26 PM</p> 2025-01-06T12:26:26Z 2025-01-06T12:26:26Z What Should you do if your Oracle Database is Hacked?,2025-01-06:%2Fweblog%2Farchives%2F00001585.htm Pete Finnigan pete\ I presented recently at the UKOUG tech conference 2024 in Birmingham, UK at the Eastside rooms. This was a good conference and I had two talks there. This blog is about the first of those and includes a link to....<a href="">[Read More]</a> <p>Posted by Pete On 18/12/24 At 11:34 AM</p> 2025-01-06T12:26:26Z 2025-01-06T12:26:26Z Top 10 Things to Consider in Securing an Oracle Database,2025-01-06:%2Fweblog%2Farchives%2F00001584.htm Pete Finnigan pete\ I get asked a question often "Is your database more secure if its moved to the cloud?" and it does not matter which cloud we are talking about; could be Oracle OCI or Amazon or... This is an interesting question....<a href="">[Read More]</a> <p>Posted by Pete On 16/12/24 At 01:37 PM</p> 2025-01-06T12:26:26Z 2025-01-06T12:26:26Z Is Your Oracle Database More Secure in the Cloud?,2025-01-06:%2Fweblog%2Farchives%2F00001583.htm Pete Finnigan pete\ If you use still or used standard auditing in the Oracle database then you should have come across an issue. If you have multiple teams enabling audit one team can destroy another teams audit settings. Here is a couple of....<a href="">[Read More]</a> <p>Posted by Pete On 28/11/24 At 09:59 AM</p> 2025-01-06T12:26:26Z 2025-01-06T12:26:26Z Audit ALTER USER Inconsistent Issue in Unified Audit Trail,2025-01-06:%2Fweblog%2Farchives%2F00001582.htm Pete Finnigan pete\ The last time I taught an in-person training class around Oracle security was almost 5 years ago. I was in The Hague for a class in February 2020 and then the lockdown hit us for Covid in March 2020 and....<a href="">[Read More]</a> <p>Posted by Pete On 13/11/24 At 01:56 PM</p> 2025-01-06T12:26:26Z 2025-01-06T12:26:26Z New Live In Person Oracle Security 3 Day Training in York January 2025,2025-01-06:%2Fweblog%2Farchives%2F00001581.htm Pete Finnigan pete\ No one wants to be hacked or their data stolen or leaked or their database be breached but it can happen. If you become the latest victim of a data hack and your Oracle database is compromised then what do....<a href="">[Read More]</a> <p>Posted by Pete On 06/11/24 At 11:23 AM</p> 2025-01-06T12:26:26Z 2025-01-06T12:26:26Z How Can a Data Breach of an Oracle Database be Managed and Analysed? XML::Atom::SimpleFeed 2025-01-06T12:26:26Z's weblog is the only weblog dedicated to Oracle security. Pete Finnigan's Oracle security weblog