Release notes for version 1.3.737.1356
No Type Description --- ----- ---------------------------------- 1 CODE All screens have been updated to the new style. Rather than list all individual changes made to each screen as in the last release the changes are summarised here. Possible changes are these: o - back color of window changed o - back color of any controls and panels changed o - tab order reviewed and changed o - tabs for non interactve components removed o - minimum size for screens added if appropriate o - minimum size for any other components added if appropriate o - controls anchors reviewed and changed if necessary o - fixed text box styles changed to new flat style o - fixed text box back color changed o - all conrols positions reviewed and changed if necessary o - all controls changed to flat style if appropriate o - head color changed o - head font changed Not all screens have all changes. The screens names are shown only in subsequent entries here, not all changes 2 CODE Manage Check; Screen re-styled as per above rules 3 CODE Manage Cracker; Screen re-styled as per above rules 4 CODE Manage Library; Screen re-styled as per above rules 5 CODE Policy Editor; Screen re-styled as per above rules 6 CODE Manage Project policies; re-styled as per above rules 7 CODE Manage Server targets; re-styled as per above rules 8 CODE New project Wizard; fixed text summary boxes changed to flat style and read only 10 CODE Manage Database targets; labels aligned 11 CODE Manage Database Targets; buttons changed to flat style 12 CODE PFCLScan; changed copyright to 2015 in assembly 13 CODE Manage Policies; Most fields made read only 14 CODE Manage Database targets; tab order reviewed and updated 15 CODE Logon; Changed copyright to 2015 16 CODE New Project Wizard; Tab orders removed from labels and non components 17 CODE New Project Wizard; Tab order changed for active controls 18 CODE New Project Wizard; re-styled as per above rules 19 CODE Open PFCLScan Policy; re-styled as per above rules 20 CODE Open Policy Editor; re-styled as per above rules 21 CODE Open Repo Template; re-styled as per above rules 22 CODE Open SQL Command Window; re-styled as per rules above 23 CODE About Box; re-styled as per above rules 24 CODE PFCLScan; back color changed to new light style 25 CODE PFCLScan; menu back color changed to new light style 26 CODE PFCLScan Options; re-styled as per above rules 27 CODE Project Tasks; re-styled as per above rules 28 CODE ReLoad Dump Policy; re-styled as per above rules 29 CODE Repo Editor; re-styled as per above rules 30 CODE Repo Web Browser; re-styled as per above rules 31 CODE Save On Close; re-styled as per above rules 32 CODE Save Project As; re-styled as per above rules 33 CODE SpreadSheet; re-styled as per above rules 34 CODE SSH Command Window; re-styled as per above rules 35 CODE Log and Trace; re-styled as per above rules 36 CODE WordProcessor; re-styled as per above rules 37 CODE Full Screen Editor; re-styled as per above rules 38 CODE ListSelector; re-styled as per above rules 39 CODE PFCLScan Editor; re-styled as per above rules 40 CODE PFCLScan Editor Style Form; re-styled as per above rules 41 CODE Full Screen Simple Editor; re-styled as per rules above 42 CODE SpreadSheet Tool; re-styled as per above rules 43 CODE Word Processor [Insert Table]; re-styled as per above rules 44 CODE WordProcessor Component; re-styled as per rules above