Release notes for version
No Type Description --- ----- ---------------------------------- 1 CODE plugin.plug - added hook point - DAREF. 2 CODE plugin.plug - DAREF hook point uses TestPlugin. 3 CODE Fixed incorrect log message in TestIfWordProcessorWindowOpen. 4 CODE Ticket #313442 - Added the PDF Viewer control. 5 CODE Ticket #313442 - Added the PDF Viewer document window. 6 CODE Ticket #313442 - Added the PDF Viewer menu button. 7 CODE Ticket #313442 - PDF and RTF reports now open in PDF viewer. 8 CODE Opening already opened file will focus the window instead opening another one. 9 CODE Redesigned application menu to make use of panels. 10 CODE Ticket #843088 - Made run report button wider. 11 CODE Ticket #863514 - Removed styles button from the ribbon and changed text on its menu chunk. 12 CODE Ticket #814767 - Added quick access buttons to the ribbon. 13 CODE Ticket #765852 - backdoors.pfp - changed all check prefixes to VUL from BAC 14 CODE Ticket #313442 - PFCLScanPDFViewer.dll added to the installer 15 CODE Removed additonal references to telerik DLLs in PFCLScan not needed 16 CODE Removed static constructor in PFCLScan needed for telerik ilmerge 17 CODE upgraded Telerik to 2019.2 18 CODE Updated all build scripts to remove ilmerge as we no longer do free trials 19 INSTALL Telerik.WinControls.dll added to the installation 20 INSTALL Telerik.WinControls.ChartView.dll added to the installation 21 INSTALL Telerik.WinControls.GridView.dll added to the installation 22 INSTALL Telerik.WinControls.RadDock.dll added to the installation 23 INSTALL Telerik.WinControls.UI.dll added to the installation 24 INSTALL TelerikCommon.dll added to the installation 25 INSTALL Telerik.WinControls.PdfViewer.dll added to the installation 26 INSTALL Telerik.WinControls.RichTextEditor.dll added to the installation 27 INSTALL Telerik.Windows.Documents.Core.dll added to the installation 27 INSTALL Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.dll added to the installation 28 INSTALL Telerik.Windows.ZIP.dll added to the installation 29 CODE Ticket #132889 - Fixed file menu behaviour when clicking on any file menu item - the menu is first closed. 30 CODE Ticket #132889 - Reduced file menu height to fit items better. 31 CODE Ticket #374737 - Fixed log windows to open in the bottom of the screen. 32 CODE Ticket #137916 - Fixed properties window title on load. 33 CODE Ticket #109861 - Fixed the database connection plugin error message. 34 CODE Ticket #109861 - Fixed the server connection plugin error message. 35 CODE Ticket #833751 - The trace level slider has an initial value now. 36 INSTALL AdvancedInstaller updated to version 16.2 37 INSTALL Ticket #166356 - new script new_code.sql added to the installation 38 DOC Ticket #302154 - Added severity meaning explanation to the manual. 39 CODE Ticket #316745 - Scan results grid now displays columns in full width and allows horizontal scroll. 40 CODE Ticket #178439 - Architecture and interview grids now display columns in full width and allows horizontal scroll. 41 CODE Ticket #178439 - Answer column in architecture and interview grids is now wider to show the full option text. 42 CODE Ticket #856539 - Summary Excel Multiple report in auditor project template now has an xlsx extension. 43 CODE Ticket #856539 - Summary Excel Multiple report in auditorlinux project template now has an xlsx extension. 44 CODE Ticket #856539 - Summary Excel Multiple now opens in the spreadsheet editor. 45 CODE Ticket #297331 - Edit report no longer allows to open the same file twice. 46 CHECK Ticket #271852 - Question SCA00005 from Scanning category of Interview is correct now. 47 CHECK Ticket #271852 - Fixed typos in check SCA00005. 48 CODE Ticket #464842 - Made Project Workspace window wider to fit expand/collapse all buttons in. 49 CODE Ticket #640092 - Added unhandled exception log window. 50 CODE Ticket #640092 - Added unhandled exception log to window menu. 51 INSTALL Ticket #640092 - Added exception processed flag to application.tem 52 INSTALL Ticket #640092 - Added show popup flag to application.tem 53 CODE Ticket #640092 - Added unhandled exception notification to the status bar. 54 CODE Ticket #640092 - Exception log is persisted if the processed flag is not cleared. 55 CODE PFCLATK button is now hidden from the ribbon. 56 CODE Ticket #178439 - Left and right arrow keys now don't change cells when text box editor is active. 57 CODE Advanced trace window close button now works. 58 CODE Advanced trace window close button now shows in correct place. 59 CODE DashPolicyCount.tem created for use in the dashboard input data creation plugin 60 CODE DashScan.tem created for use in the dashboard input data creation plugin 61 INSTALL DashPolicyCount.tem added to the installer 62 INSTALL DashScan.tem added to the installer 63 CHECK DashIp.pfp created for use in the dashboard input creation plugin 64 CHECK DashPolicyCount.pfp created for use in the dashboard input creation plugin 65 CHECK DashScans.pfp created for use in the dashboard input creation plugin 66 CHECK DashReport.pfp created for use in the dashboard input creation plugin 67 CHECK DashSummarise.pfp created for use in the dashboard input creation plugin 68 INSTALL DashIp.pfp added to installer 69 INSTALL DashPolicyCount.pfp added to installer 70 INSTALL DashScans.pfp added to installer 71 INSTALL DashReport.pfp added to installer 72 INSTALL DashSummarise.pfp added to installer 73 CODE Ticket #752956 - Loop processing fixed to allow non-sequential use of variables. 74 CODE Fixed crash in PFCLScanEditor occurring when tab was pressed. 75 CODE DashBoard.tem created for DashBoard plugin. 76 INSTALL DashBoard.tem added to the installer. 77 CODE install.conf changed to process the DashBoard plugin. 78 CODE DashBoard.pfcl.tem created. 79 INSTALL DashBoard.pfcl.tem added to the installer. 80 CODE DashBoard.plg.tem created. 81 INSTALL DashBoard.plg.tem added to the installer. 82 INSTALL dashboard.op removed from the installer. 83 CODE DashBoard.plg created. 84 INSTALL DashBoard.plg added to the installer. 85 CODE plugins.plug entry added for DashBoard plugin. 86 CODE ribbon.tem - project data.pfcl removed from recent projects list. 87 CODE DashIp.pfp updated to use correct input file. 88 INSTALL comment.txt removed from the install 89 INSTALL danger.txt removed from the install 90 INSTALL stringdanger.txt removed from the install 91 INSTALL table.txt removed from the install 92 INSTALL undock.txt removed from the install 93 INSTALL rules.txt added to the install 94 CODE GenChecks.exe created to help process checks 95 INSTALL GenChecks.exe added to the installer 96 CODE GenChecksLogger.dll created to use in GenChecks.exe 97 CODE GenChecksTrace.dll created to use in GenChecks.exe 98 CODE GenChecksVersion.dll created to use in GenChecks.exe 99 INSTALL GenChecksLogger.dll added to the installer 100 INSTALL GenChecksTrace.dll added to the installer 101 INSTALL GenChecksVersion.dll added to the installer 102 CODE Dashboard loads .op file on initialisation and updates the charts. 103 CODE Refresh dashboard button runs the plugin and loads results. 104 CODE Exception is thrown when unexpected text is found in DashBoard.op. 105 CODE DashScan.tem - added TIME entry. 106 CODE Summary row in dashboard grid now shows the time the plugin was run. 107 CODE Ticket #522894 - Fixed results screen close button. 108 CODE Ticket #408374 - Fixed architecture/interview screen close button. 109 CODE Fixed PFCLScanError to check error state flag instead of trace one before logging. 110 CODE Ticket #103102 - Fixed crash on results screen when clicking "Toggle Fix" while results grid is empty. 111 CODE Dashboard refresh button shows message if there are no projects. 112 CODE Message is shown when wrong content is found in the DashBoard.op 113 CODE Ticket #349963 - AudInit.pfp - fixed spelling mistake in policy name. 114 CODE Ticket #349963 - auditor.tem - fixed spelling mistake in policy name. 115 CODE Ticket #349963 - auditorlinux.tem - fixed spelling mistake in policy name. 116 CODE Ticket #349963 - oemscan.pfcl.tem - fixed spelling mistake in policy name. 117 CODE Ticket #791243 - Getting started panel now in line with recent projects on start page. 118 CODE Ticket #588566 - Document windows (scan results, word processor, etc.) now always open alongside in the main working space. 119 CODE Ticket #483865 - Improved quality of 16x16 icons throughout the program. 120 CODE Ticket #107881 - Improved PFCLScan logo in the new project wizard. 121 CODE server.pfp - Fixed check id from SER0000 to SER00001. 122 CODE server.pfp - Fixed description typo in check SER00001. 123 CODE Ticket #981270 - First level of the results tree in the results screen is now expanded by default. 124 CODE Ticket #212384 - Scan executions in project manager now expand on scan end. 125 CODE Ticket #132991 - DashBoard.pfcl.tem - removed xmllogfile. 126 CODE Ticket #132991 - data.pfcl.tem - removed xmllogfile. 127 CODE Ticket #132991 - oracleconnect.pfcl.tem - removed xmllogfile. 128 CODE Ticket #132991 - OraclePerms.pfcl.tem - removed xmllogfile. 129 CODE Ticket #132991 - serverconnect.pfcl.tem - removed xmllogfile. 130 CODE Ticket #132991 - TestPlugin.pfcl.tem - removed xmllogfile. 131 CODE Ticket #356419 - Interview and architecture open prompts now respond correctly when user clicks cancel. 132 CODE Ticket #744313 - arch.pfp - Fixed typos in architecture policy. 133 CODE Ticket #325603 - Architecture and interview buttons display message box on click when not in architecture / interview project. 134 CODE Ticket #527420 - Single page report category percentages fixed to display in one line.