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Release notes for version

No	Type	Description
---	-----	----------------------------------
1	CODE	Run audit button now displays message box when no project is open.
2	CODE	PFCLScanCodeEditor user control project added to oscan.
3	INSTALL	PFCLScanCodeEditor.dll added to the installer.
4	CODE	PLSQLSecurity.pfp created to dump code security.
5	INSTALL	PLSQLSecurity.pfp added to the installer.
6	CODE	New LUA function PFCLPLSQLSpool added.
7	CODE	plsql.tem - updated to include code permissions policy.
8	CODE	oscan.exe - PFCLSQLSpool lua function updated to include a flag to output
		new lines or not
9	CODE	oscan.exe - PFCLPLSQLSpool lua function updated to include a flag to output
		new lines or not
10	CODE	PLSQLDependencies.pfp created to dump code security.
11	INSTALL	PLSQLDependencies.pfp added to the installer.	
12	CODE	plsql.tem - updated to include code dependencies policy.
13	CODE	PLSQLSecurity.pfp - updated to include duplicate grants and grants to owner.
14	CODE	Plugins.plug - updated to add the CTCON hook point
15	CODE	Plugins.plug - updated to add the CTSCH hook point
16	CODE	Plugins.plug - updated to add the CTREF hook point
17	CODE	Plugins.plug - updated to add SchemaList plugin
18	CODE	SchemaList.plg created
19	INSTALL	SchemaList.plg added to the installation
20	CODE	install.conf - updated to process SchemaList.pfcl.tem
21	CODE	SchemaList.pfcl.tem created to be the schema list refresh plugin
22	CODE	SchemaList.pfp created to find all schemas for PL/SQL
23	INSTALL	SchemaList.pfp added to install
24	CODE	SchemaList.pfs created to find all schemas for PL/SQL
25	INSTALL	SchemaList.pfs added to install
26	CODE	SchemaList.tem created to report the schemas for the SchemaList plugin
27	INSTALL	SchemaList.tem added to the install
28	CODE	Renumbered the project templates for the plugins.
29	CODE	application.tem - updated the last plugin ID and hook ID used.
30	CODE	application.tem - added key for the application description.
31	CODE	About box reads description from application.xml instead of
		PFCLScan assembly information.
32	CODE	About box reads application name from application.xml instead of
		PFCLScan assembly information.
33	INSTALL	SchemaList.pfcl.tem added to the installation
34	CODE	Plugins.plug - Changed the CTREF hook plugin to use CodeRefresh plugin not the TestPlugin
35	CODE	Plugins.plug - CodeRefresh plugin added to the plugins section
36	CODE	CodeRefresh.plg created for the CodeRefresh plugin
37	INSTALL	CodeRefresh.plg added to the installation
38	CODE	PLSQLInput.pfp - created to support the CodeRefresh plugin input
39	INSTALL	PLSQLInput.pfp - added to the installation
40	CODE	PLSQLInput.pfs  - created for the CodeRefresh plugin input
41	INSTALL	PLSQLInput.pfs - added to the installation
42	CODE	PLSQLCodeLevelDetails.pfp - created to dump all code level details for the CodeRefresh plugin
43	INSTALL	PLSQLCodeLevelDetails.pfp - added to the installation
44	CODE	PLSQLCodeLevelDetails.pfs - created to dump all code level details for the CodeRefresh plugin
45	INSTALL	PLSQLCodeLevelDetails.pfs - added to the installation
46	CODE	CodeRefresh.tem - created for the CodeRefresh plugin
47	INSTALL	CodeRefresh.tem - added to the installation
48	CODE	install.conf - updated to process CodeRefresh.pfcl.tem
49	CODE	aplication.tem updated to set the plugin id number to 7
50	CODE	CodeRefresh.pfcl.tem created to support the PFCLCode application
51	INSTALL	CodeRefresh.pfcl.tem added to the installation
52	CODE	PLSQLCodeList.pfs - created to dump all code level details for the CodeRefresh plugin
53	INSTALL	PLSQLCodeList.pfs - added to the installation
54	CODE	PLSQLDependencies.pfs - created to dump all code level details for the CodeRefresh plugin
55	INSTALL	PLSQLDependencies.pfs - added to the installation
56	CODE	PLSQLDump.pfs - created to dump all code level details for the CodeRefresh plugin
57	INSTALL	PLSQLDump.pfs - added to the installation
58	CODE	PLSQLErrorCount.pfs - created to dump all code level details for the CodeRefresh plugin
59	INSTALL	PLSQLErrorCount.pfs - added to the installation
60	CODE	PLSQLInit.pfs - created to dump all code level details for the CodeRefresh plugin
61	INSTALL	PLSQLInit.pfs - added to the installation
62	CODE	PLSQLRunCodeAnalyser.pfs - created to dump all code level details for the CodeRefresh plugin
63	INSTALL	PLSQLRunCodeAnalyser.pfs - added to the installation
64	CODE	PLSQLSecurity.pfs - created to dump all code level details for the CodeRefresh plugin
65	INSTALL	PLSQLSecurity.pfs - added to the installation
66	CODE	CodeRefresh.pfcl.tem - removed script log file
67	CODE	DashBoard.pfcl.tem - removed script log file
68	CODE	oracleconnect.pfcl.tem - removed script log file
69	CODE	OraclePerms.pfcl.tem - removed script log file
70	CODE	SchemaList.pfcl.tem - removed script log file
71	CODE	serverconnect.pfcl.tem - removed script log file
72	CODE	TestPlugin.pfcl.tem - removed script log file
73	CODE	Improved performance of dashboard grid resizing.