Call: +44 (0)7759 277220 Call
version 3.9.562.1453

Release notes for version 3.9.562.1453

No	Type	Description
---	-----	----------------------------------
1	INSTALL	FrsGatherData.plg - added to the installer.
2	INSTALL	FrsGatherData.pfcl.tem - added to the installer.
3	INSTALL	FrsGatherData.tem - added to the installer.
4	INSTALL	FrsGatherDataInput.pfp - added to the installer.
5	INSTALL	FrsGatherDataInput.pfs - added to the installer.
6	INSTALL	FrsGatherDataRun.pfp - added to the installer.
7	INSTALL	FrsGatherDataRun.pfs - added to the installer.
8	CODE	oscan.exe - single row select - buffer size increased to 2000.
9	CODE	oscan.exe - lua sql spool - buffer size increased to 2000.
10	INSTALL	PFCLForensics directory created.
11	CODE	PFCLForensics - created options screen.
12	CODE	PFCLForensics - added connection tab to options.
13	CODE	PFCLForensics - added trace tab to options.
14	CODE	PFCLForensics - added saving trace file for standalone build.
15	CODE	PFCLObfuscate - moved trace file saving code to appbase.
16	CODE	PFCLForensics - added data types to gather data output template.
17	CODE	PFCLForensics - added the list of checks.
18	CODE	PFCLForensics - checks list loaded on startup.
19	CODE	PFCLForensics - checks list loaded after gather data plugin ran.
20	CODE	PFCLForensics - added the check data grid.
21	CODE	PFCLForensics - added the timeline grid. 
22	CODE	PFCLForensics - added functionality to merge check data rows with timeline grid.
23	CODE	PFCLForensics - added support for deleting data rows.
24	CODE	PFCLForensics - added display row dialog.
25	CODE	PFCLForensics - added select all rows button to check data grid.
26	CODE	PFCLForensics - added toggle filtering button to check data grid.
27	CODE	PFCLForensics - added toggle filtering button to timeline grid.
28	CODE	PFCLForensics - added the drillable graph.
29	CODE	PFCLForensics - drilling data graph filters timeline rows to viewed range.
30	CODE	PFCLForensics - added months view to the drill graph.
31	CODE	PFCLForensics - added days view to the drill graph.
32	CODE	PFCLForensics - added hours view to the drill graph.
33	CODE	PFCLForensics - added minutes view to the drill graph.
34	CODE	PFCLForensics - added seconds view to the drill graph.
35	CODE	PFCLForensics - added trackball to drill graph line views.
36	CODE	PFCLForensics - added the all time line graph.
37	CODE	PFCLForensics - graphs respond to timeline changes.
38	CODE	PFCLForensics - added an incident response checklist.
39	CODE	PFCLForensics - added project functionality.
40	CODE	PFCLForensics - added load project functionality.
41	CODE	PFCLForensics - added save project functionality.
42	CODE	PFCLForensics - added open project functionality.
43	CODE	PFCLForensics - added dialog to edit checklist items.
44	CODE	PFCLForensics - created project directory structure.
45	CODE	PFCLForensics - title bar shows the current project.
46	CODE	PFCLForensics - added menu items for the project functionality.
47	CODE	PFCLForensics - renaming .op file after downloading database data.
48	CODE	PFCLForensics - added .op file to the project file.
49	CODE	ul.snippet - fixed the syntax in the snippet.
50	CODE	Added double click support to PFCLLauncher.
51	CODE	Removed settings tab from PFCLScan dock manager in standalone builds
		in order to prevent ui issues.
52	CODE	Fixed tab order in the login screen.
53	CODE	PFCLAppSettings.xml.tem - added default filetypes to PFCLForensics.
54	CODE	PFCLForensics - added support for word documents.
55	CODE	PFCLForensics - added report template.
56	CODE	forensics_report_template.docx - added to the installer.
57	CHECK	IncidentProcess.pfp - created for the incident response checklist i
58	INSTALL	IncidentProcess.pfp - added to the installation
59	CODE	incident_response.tem - modified to use the new IncidentProcess.pfp policy
60	CHECK	FrsGatherDataRun.pfp - new timing check added
61	CHECK	FrsGatherDataRun.pfs - new timing check added
62	CHECK	FrsGatherDataRun.pfp - renamed the db_object_cache check to db_object_cache1.op
63	CHECK	FrsGatherDataRun.pfp - Changed the db object cache check title to be (1)
64	CHECK	FrsGatherDataRun.pgp - new db object cache check added to get objects
65	CHECK	FrsGatherDataRun.pfs - added new db object cache entry for objects
66	CHECK	FrsGatherDataRun.pfp - modified GDB0002 to join parsing user id and schema user id to user$
		to get the actual username
67	CODE	FrsGatherData.tem - modified the SGA check to make all columns upper case
68	CODE	FrsGatherData.tem - modified the parsing user id and parsing schema to USERNAME and SCHEMA
69	CODE	FrsGatherData.tem - modified session check to make all columns upper case
71	CODE	FrsGatherData.tem - modified object change check to make all columns upper case
72	CODE	FrsGatherData.tem - changed title of DB OBJECT CACHE to DB OBJECT CACHE1
73	CODE	FrsGatherData.tem - modified object change check to change OWNER to SCHEMA,
74	CODE	FrsGatherData.tem - modified col usage check to make all columns upper case
75	CODE	FrsGatherData.tem - modified col usage check; changed OWNER to SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME to OBJECT_NAME
76	CODE	FrsGatherData.tem - modified age check to make all columns upper case
77	CODE	FrsGatherData.tem - modified age check; TYPE# changed to OBJECT_TYPE,
78	CODE	FrsGatherData.tem - modified age check; USER#, COMMON and ORACLE_MAINTAINED removed
79	CODE	FrsGatherDataRun.pfp - check CDB00012 - USER#, COMMON and ORACLE_MAINTAINED removed
80	CODE	FrsGatherDataRun.pfp - Check CDB00006 - Added where clause to only return cursors
81	CODE	FrsGatherDataRun.pfp - Check CDB00014 - Added where clause to return everything except cursor
82	CODE	FrsGatherDataRun.pfp - Check CDB00006 - removed multiple columns from the SQL
83	CODE	FrsGatherDataRun.pfp - Check CDB00014 - removed multiple columns from the SQL
84	CODE	FrsGatherData.tem - modified db-object-cache1 - removed multiple columns
85	CODE	FrsGatherData.tem - db-object-cache-1 changed names of owner to SCHEMA, name to SQL_TEXT,
86	CODE	FrsGatherData.tem - db-object-cache-2 added
87	CODE	PFCLForensics - added screenshot functionality.
88	CODE	FrsGatherDataRun.pfp - CDB00006 - modified to not include SQL AREA BUILD
89	CODE	FrsGatherDataRun.pfp - CDB00015 - Added new timing check
90	CODE	FrsGatherDataRun.pfs - CDB00015 - Added policy status for this check
91	CODE	FrsGatherDataRun.pfp - CDB00016 - Added third db object cache check to get SQL_ID
92	CODE	FrsGatherDataRun.pfs - CDB00016 - Added policy status for this check
93	CODE	FrsGatherData.tem - added rules for db-object-cache-3
94	CODE	FrsGatherDataRun.pfp - rewritten to remove AGE, col_usage, object_changes and
		add in processes. Also fixed numbers and also fixed filename for object_cache3
95	CODE	FrsGatherDataRun.pfs - fixed structure to match new checks
96	CODE	FrsGatherData.tem - modified to match the new plugin checks layout. Processes
		added, object_change, age and col_usage removed
97	CODE	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - created
98	CODE	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - created
99	CODE	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.tem - created
100	CODE	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfcl.tem - created
101	CODE	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.plg - created
102	CODE	plugins.plug - updated for the FrsDBLiveResponseStatic plugin.
103	CODE	install.conf - updated for the FrsDBLiveResponseStatic plugin.
104	CODE	app.tem - updated for use in the FrsDBLiveResponseStatic plugin.
105	CODE	application.tem - updated for use in the FrsDBLiveResponseStatic plugin.
106	CODE	PlugCreatePfcltem.tem - fixed connection details.
107	CODE	oscan.exe - new function PFCLOSSpool added to Lua to process
		OS commands and write the output to a spool folder
108	CODE	oscan.exe - new function PFCLOSOne added to Lua to process
		single line output OS commands and to return the value to Lua
109	CODE	FrsOSLiveResponse.plg - created
110	CODE	FrsOSLiveResponse.tem - created
111	CODE	FrsOSLiveResponse.pfcl.tem - created
112	CODE	FrsOSLiveResponseInput.pfp - created
113	CODE	FrsOSLiveResponseInput.pfs - created
114	CODE	FrsOSLiveResponseData.pfp - created
115	CODE	FrsOSLiveResponseData.pfs - created
116	CODE	plugins.plug - updated for the FrsOSLiveResponse plugin.
117	CODE	install.conf - updated for the FrsOSLiveResponse plugin.
118	CODE	app.tem - updated for the FrsOSLiveResponse plugin.
119	CODE	application.tem - updated for the FrsOSLiveResponse plugin.
120	CODE	redi.bat - added to the installer.
121	CODE	FrsOSLiveResponseStatic.plg - created
122	CODE	FrsOSLiveResponseStatic.tem - created
123	CODE	FrsOSLiveResponseStatic.pfcl.tem - created
124	CODE	FrsOSLiveResponseStaticInput.pfp - created
125	CODE	FrsOSLiveResponseStaticInput.pfs - created
126	CODE	FrsOSLiveResponseStatic.pfp - created
127	CODE	FrsOSLiveResponseStatic.pfs - created
128	CODE	plugins.plug - updated for the FrsOSLiveResponseStatic plugin.
129	CODE	install.conf - updated for the FrsOSLiveResponseStatic plugin.
130	CODE	app.tem - updated for the FrsOSLiveResponseStatic plugin.
131	CODE	application.tem - updated for the FrsOSLiveResponseStatic plugin.
132	CODE	PFCLCookie integrated into PFCLScan project.
133	INSTALL	extensions.txt added to the installer.
134	CODE	EO.WebBrowser added into PFCLScan project.
135	INSTALL EO.Base.dll added to the installer.
136	INSTALL EO.WebBrowser.dll added to the installer.
137	INSTALL EO.WebBrowser.Winform.dll added to the installer.
138	INSTALL EO.WebEngine.dll added to the installer.
139	CODE	PFCLSEO integrated into PFCLScan project.
140	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00003 added for timing check
141	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00003 status record added
142	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00004 added to look for changed objects
143	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00004 status record added
144	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatus.tem - check DBS00004 added to the output template
145	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00005 added for timing check
146	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00005 status record added
147	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00006 column usage check added 
		from original plugin 1. All predicate columns added to the check
148	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00006 status record added
149	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatus.tem - check DBS00006 added to the output template
150	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00007 added for timing check
151	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00007 status record added
152	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00008 added to display parameters
153	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00008 status record added
154	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatus.tem - check DBS00008 added to the output template 
155	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00009 added for timing check
156	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00009 status record added
157	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00010 added to display monitoring mods
158	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00010 status record added
159	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatus.tem - check DBS00010 added to the output template 
160	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00011 added for timing check
161	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00011 status record added
162	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00012 added to display version
163	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00012 status record added
164	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatus.tem - check DBS00012 added to the output template 
165	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00013 added for timing check
166	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00013 status record added
167	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00014 added to database details
168	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00014 status record added
169	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatus.tem - check DBS00014 added to the output template 
170	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00015 added for timing check
171	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00015 status record added
172	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00016 added to display patch details
173	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00016 status record added
174	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatus.tem - check DBS00016 added to the output template 
175	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00017 added for timing check
176	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00017 status record added
177	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00018 added to list all profiles in the database
178	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00018 status record added
179	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatus.tem - check DBS00018 added to the output template 
180	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00019 added for timing check
181	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00019 status record added
182	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00020 added to list all profiles for all users
183	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00020 status record added
184	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatus.tem - check DBS00020 added to the output template 
185	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00021 added for timing check
186	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00021 status record added
187	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00022 added to list all database links
188	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00022 status record added
189	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatus.tem - check DBS00022 added to the output template 
190	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00023 added for timing check
191	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00023 status record added
192	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00024 added to list all directory grants
193	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00024 status record added
194	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatus.tem - check DBS00024 added to the output template 
195	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00025 added for timing check
196	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00025 status record added
197	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00026 added to list all directories in the database
198	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00026 status record added
199	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatus.tem - check DBS00026 added to the output template 
200	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00027 added for timing check
201	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00027 status record added
202	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00028 added to list all external tables
203	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00028 status record added
204	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatus.tem - check DBS00028 added to the output template 
205	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00029 added for timing check
206	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00029 status record added
207	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00030 added to list all external table paths
208	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00030 status record added
209	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatus.tem - check DBS00030 added to the output template 
210	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00031 added for timing check
211	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00031 status record added
212	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00032 added to list all libraries
213	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00032 status record added
214	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatus.tem - check DBS00032 added to the output template 
215	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00033 added for timing check
216	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00033 status record added
217	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00034 added to list all triggers
218	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00034 status record added
219	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatus.tem - check DBS00034 added to the output template 
220	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00035 added for timing check
221	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00035 status record added
222	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00036 added to list all jobs
223	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00036 status record added
224	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatus.tem - check DBS00036 added to the output template 
225	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00037 added for timing check
226	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00037 status record added
227	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00038 added to list all scheduler jobs
228	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00038 status record added
229	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatus.tem - check DBS00038 added to the output template 
230	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00039 added for timing check
231	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00039 status record added
232	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00040 added to list audit data
233	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00040 status record added
234	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatus.tem - check DBS00040 added to the output template 
235	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00041 added for timing check
236	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00041 status record added
237	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check DBS00042 added to list contents of recyle bin
238	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check DBS00042 status record added
239	CHECK	FrsDBLiveResponseStatus.tem - check DBS00042 added to the output template 
240	CHECK	FrsOSLiveResponseData.pfp - check OLD00007 added for timing check
241	CHECK	FrsOSLiveResponseData.pfs - check OLD00007 status record added
242	CHECK	FrsOSLiveResponseData.pfp - check OLD00008 added to list running machine processes
243	CHECK	FrsOSLiveResponseData.pfs - check OLD00008 status record added
244	CHECK	FrsOSLiveResponseData.tem - check OLD00008 added to the output template
245	CHECK	FrsOSLiveResponseData.pfp - check OLD00009 added for timing check
246	CHECK	FrsOSLiveResponseData.pfs - check OLD00009 status record added
247	CHECK	FrsOSLiveResponseData.pfp - check OLD00010 added to list running logged on processes
248	CHECK	FrsOSLiveResponseData.pfs - check OLD00010 status record added
249	CHECK	FrsOSLiveResponseData.tem - check OLD00010 added to the output template
250	CHECK	FrsOSLiveResponseData.pfp - check OLD00011 added for timing check
251	CHECK	FrsOSLiveResponseData.pfs - check OLD00011 status record added
252	CHECK	FrsOSLiveResponseData.pfp - check OLD00012 added to list OS groups
253	CHECK	FrsOSLiveResponseData.pfs - check OLD00012 status record added
254	CHECK	FrsOSLiveResponseData.tem - check OLD00012 added to the output template
255	CHECK	FrsOSLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check OSD00001 added for timing check
256	CHECK	FrsOSLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check OSD00001 status record added
257	CHECK	FrsOSLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check OSD00002 added to get OS version
258	CHECK	FrsOSLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check OSD00002 status record added
259	CHECK	FrsOSLiveResponseStatic.tem - check OSD00002 added to the output template
260	CHECK	FrsOSLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check OSD00003 added for timing check
261	CHECK	FrsOSLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check OSD00003 status record added
262	CHECK	FrsOSLiveResponseStatic.pfp - check OSD00004 added to get OS kernel version
263	CHECK	FrsOSLiveResponseStatic.pfs - check OSD00004 status record added
264	CHECK	FrsOSLiveResponseStatic.tem - check OSD00004 added to the output template
265	INSTALL	Updated the End User License Agreement.
266	CODE	Ported obs.exe to use flex and not MKS Lex
267	CODE	obs.exe - modified to solve isatty flex error - All flex marked FLEX:MOD
268	CODE	obs.exe - changed poserror() to yy_fatal_error() for flex port
269	CODE	obs.exe - changed state variable to use flex buffer state for flex port
270	CODE	obs.exe - changed the use of Mks Lex SaveScan to yy_create_buffer for flex port
271	CODE	obs.exe - changed use of MKS Lex RestoreScan to yy_switch_to_buffer for flex port
272	CODE	obs.exe - changed main program to use a flex buffer stack
273	CODE	obs.exe - changed use of buffer stack where function file is used (4 places)
274	CODE	obs.exe - input for lua changed to use flex buffer stack
275	CODE	obs.exe - wrap function is flex changed to use buffer stack
276	CODE	obs.exe - moved flex push and pop to lexer file to allow access to flex functions	
277	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - added ls.exe to the installer
278	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - added lc.exe to the installer
279	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - added wrapprotect.exe to the installer	
280	DOC	PFCLObfuscate manual - changed overview section in-line with being a GUI product now
281	DOC	PFCLObfuscate manual - main start section removed
282	DOC	PFCLObfuscate manual - Changed the launch text for users with PFCLScan
283	DOC	PFCLObfuscate manual - Changed the launch text for users with only PFCLObfuscate
284	DOC	PFCLObfuscate manual - Changed the interface text meaning
285	DOC	PFCLObfuscate manual - Add new "tutorials" section
286	DOC	PFCLObfuscate manual - Added new "better string obfuscation" section
287	DOC	PFCLObfuscate manual - Added new "Lock / License code to one database" section
288	DOC	PFCLObfuscate manual - Show the locations of the binaries and data
289	DOC	PFCLObfuscate manual - Added documentation for stringmodes 4 - 8
290	DOC	PFCLObfuscate manual - Added documentation for utilities ls, lc and wrapprotect
291	DOC	PFCLObfuscate manual - Added new limits for strings
292	DOC	PFCLObfuscate manual - Removed limit 4 for all modes not implemented
293	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - added wp.conf to the installation
294	CODE	ObfRefreshDumpPolicy.pfp - updated the extract of PL/SQL policy to add "create or replace" and "/" to each peice of PL/SQL
295	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - Added folder "Samples" to the PFCLObfuscate folder
296	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - Added sample file cob.sql to the install
297	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - Added sample file cos.sql to the install
298	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - Added sample file create_user.sql to the install
299	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - Added sample file demo.sql to the install
300	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - Added sample file demo2.sql to the install
301	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - Added sample file demo3.sql to the install
302	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - Added sample file demo5.sql to the install
303	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - Added sample file quote.sql to the install
304	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - Added sample file sam1.sql to the install
305	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - Added sample file sam2.sql to the install
306	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - Added sample file sam3.sql to the install
307	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - Added sample file sam4.sql to the install
308	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - Added sample file sample1.sql to the install
309	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - Added sample file sample2.sql to the install
310	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - Added sample file sample3.sql to the install
311	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - Added sample file st.sql to the install
312	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - Added sample file stringcr.sql to the install
313	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - Added sample file testdb1.sql to the install
314	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - Added sample file tutorial1.sql to the install
315	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - Added sample file version2.sql to the install
316	CODE	PFCLObfuscate - mode 8 added to stringmode dropdown chooser
317	CODE	obs.exe - added new lua function and prototype to process Lua for string encryption
318	CODE	obs.exe - added processing for string mode 8 to process strings via Lua
319	CODE	obs.exe - changed to not process functionfile package entries if not enabled
320	CODE	obs.lua - modified to process the string passed in to be encrypted
321	CODE	functionfile.txt - updated to include the STRING entry to encrypt strings
322	INSTALL	string_blank.lua - added to use in string encryption where the fwd and func entries are not needed
323	INSTALL	string_enc.lua - function to do the string encryption and return the string to Lua
324	INSTALL	string_h.sql - added to the install do the string decryption demo
325 	INSTALL	string_b.sql - added to the install do the string decrpytion
326	INSTALL	ob.conf - updated to add string mode 8
327	INSTALL	lic1_h.sql - added to the install for license key deployment
328	INSTALL	lic1_b.sql - added to the install for license key deployment
329	INSTALL	lic2_h.sql - added to the install for license key deployment
330	INSTALL	lic2_b.sql - added to the install for license key deployment
331	INSTALL	test_string.sql - added to the install to demonstrate stringmode=8
332	INSTALL	test_string2.sql - added to the install to demonstrate stringmode=8
333	CODE	key.txt - keyword SYS_REFCURSOR added to the keywords file
334	CODE	obs.exe - hintpl code modified the debug strings from commentpl
335	CODE	obs.exe - modified to support special hook point comments in many places
336	DOC	PFCLObfuscate manual - Added a new tutorial section for better string obfuscation
337	DOC	PFCLObfuscate manual - manual updated in multiple places to not state that hooks 4 and 7 are not implemented
338	DOC	PFCLObfuscate manual - The main GUI section has had intro text and links added
339	DOC	PFCLObfuscate manual - The sections for PFCLSFTK, PFCLSTK, PFCLATK and PFCKSEO have all been hidden until these products are released
340	CODE	obs.exe - add function to strip CR from comment strings when used as a hook
341	DOC	PFCLObfuscate manual - Added a new tutorial section for injecting code with comments
342	DOC	PFCLForensics - Added manual sections to the PFCLScan main help
343	CODE	PFCLForensics - Added static database response policy and plugin
344	CODE	PFCLForensics - Added transient OS (Linux/Unix) response policy and plugin
345	CODE	PFCLForensics - Added static OS (Linux/Unix) response policy and plugin
346	CODE	PFCLForensics - Fixed screenshot to not change size on different screen resolutions
347	CODE	PFCLForensics - Fixed new file type to not add a new type or column and then edit and fill in. Instead clear fields and populate and add
348	CODE	PFCLForensics - added ability to edit the run flag if its not reset
349	CODE	PFCLForensics - changed all entry and exit trace to level 2 and default trace to level 2 on entry to use as an audit log
350	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - comment_h.sql added to install for comment obfuscation
351	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - comment_b.sql added to install for comment obfuscation			
352	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - test_comment.sql added to install for comment obfuscation
353	CODE	PFCLObfuscate - functionfile.txt updated to include an entry for injected comments
354	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - comment_blank.lua added to install for comment obfuscation	
355	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - comment_ins.lua added to install for comment obfuscation
356	DOC	PFCLObfuscate - license locking demo added to the documentation
357	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - grants.sql added to the install for license locking demo
358	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - activate.sql added to the install for license locking demo
359	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - test_license.sql added to the install for the license locking demo
360	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - hard_lic_new.lua added to the install for the license locking demo
361	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - hard_lic_fwd.lua added to the install for the license locking demo
362	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - hard_lic_func.lua added to the install for the license locking demo
363	CODE	PFCLObfuscate - string_h.sql changed name of procedure decr to decc to avoid reserved clash
364	CODE	PFCLObfuscate - string_b.sql changed name of procedure decr to decc to avoid reserved clash
365	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - dbms_op8_func.lua added to do predefined string obfuscation
366	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - dbms_nl8_func.lua added to do predefined string obfuscation
367	INSTALL	PFCLObfudcate - string.txt updated to include predefined string obfuscation
368	CODE	PFCLObfuscate - string_enc.lua modified to pre-transpose the string encrypt package
369	INSTALL	PFCLObfuscate - src_string.txt added to the install.
370	CODE	PFCLObfuscate - string.txt file now created from src_string.txt file.