Searchlight Features
Searchlight is a very powerful tool that can search any type of file on a PC, Server or shared drive and can be used, out of the box, to help with GDPR and PCI audits in identifying those files that contain Sensitive, Personal or even classified information.
The product is aimed at two levels of users:
- Business Users / Security personnel:These users can use Searchlight out of the box to get a detailed list of files containing any Sensitive or Personal information.
- Technical and advanced users: These users can use the full functionality of Searchlight and create their own detailed search definitions to find files of interest.
Searchlight Key Features and Benefits
- Search for personal data, out of the box, including names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses
- Search for credit card numbers (PAN)
- Searches ALL file types against a list of searchwords/phrases/regular expressions/byte sequences
- Ability to search an unlimited number of remote machines (accessed via an IP address with encrypted communications/log files) – Enterprise Edition only
- Produces a complete statistical breakdown of all search results
- Automatically archives logs to a nominated location
- Ability to run multi-threaded searches providing unlimited scalability
- Allows up to 5 searchwords/phrases/byte sequences to be either anded or negated against the primary searchword/phrase/regular expression/byte sequence
- Ability to automatically email the search results log to a nominated address
- Ability to save an unlimited number of search definitions/templates that can easily be reloaded and reused
- Ability to search for multiple byte sequences (6) (each up to 10 ASCII values). Each search definition can be a mixture of searchwords, phrases, Regular expressions and byte sequences (signatures)
- Ability for the search to run from the command line, requiring no interaction (slsearch.exe). This capability is useful when scheduled, via the Windows at command, to automatically run during the quiet hours.
- Ability for the search a network targeting only those files added since the last search or files added within a number of days since the last search
- Ability to package all of the found files up into a single zip file – Profession version only
- Ability to execute a user defined script against a found file
- Automatically searches the contents of zipped files and zip files within zip files etc.
- Ability to automatically copy any found file to a nominated directory
- Search targets can be either a directory, file of filenames or a file of directory names
- Provides a unique deep search feature that searches Microsoft office files.
- Has an inbuilt Search Find Actions engine that can optionally perform tasks on any found file such as replacing text, deleting text or redacting text.
- Optionally integrates the Open Source Tika search engine as a second search
- Has an extensive inbuilt filtering mechanism that allows more than 20+ different types of filters to be applied against any file.
- Ability to automatically encrypt log files written to disk
- Highly configurable with hundreds of configuration options