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   Authentication against MIT Kerberos on RHEL clone
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   Author  Topic: Authentication against MIT Kerberos on RHEL clone  (Read 11907 times)
Pete Finnigan Administrator

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Authentication against MIT Kerberos on RHEL clone
« on: May 26th, 2008, 9:07pm »
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Does anybody know how to configure ASO to authenticate against MIT Kerberos.  
I successfully install MIT Kerberos and LDAP on localhost (CentOS 5). The Kerberos and LDAP is working.  
I follow up the Oracle instructions on ( htm#ASOAG060)
I'am able to use all Oracle's Kerberos tools such as okinit, oklist, etc. But I'm not able to use sqlplus (sqlplus /@SID). The connect ends up with the : ORA-12638: Credential retrieval failed
    Cause: The authentication service failed to retrieve the credentials of a user.
    Action: Enable tracing to determine the exact error.
I think that problem is in the sqlnet.ora configuration.
Here is the sqlnet.ora.
SQLNET.KERBEROS5_REALMS = /etc/krb5.conf
SQLNET.KERBEROS5_CC_NAME = /tmp/krb5cc_501
SQLNET.KERBEROS5_CONF = /etc/krb5.conf
Thanks in advance.
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Pete Finnigan (
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Re: Authentication against MIT Kerberos on RHEL cl
« Reply #1 on: May 30th, 2008, 1:36pm »
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No help needed anymore, i solved it finally  Grin
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Pete Finnigan (
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Re: Authentication against MIT Kerberos on RHEL cl
« Reply #2 on: May 31st, 2008, 7:46pm »
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Great, can you tell us the solution so that anyone in the future looking to solve the same issue will also get some help?
cheers and thanks
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Pete Finnigan (
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Re: Authentication against MIT Kerberos on RHEL cl
« Reply #3 on: Jun 1st, 2008, 9:00am »
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Yes of course,
There were two problems.  
1. Service name - i was not sure which value is correct, so from the KDC log i get the name for service. I have case sensitive host name and in the KDC log was lowercase. Therefore i re-create the principal with the correct host name
2. Encryption key compatibility - Oracle supports only the DES-CBC-CRC. So I re-create the principal for service with this key and also when exporting keytab for service I specify the DES-CBC-CRC.
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Pete Finnigan (
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Re: Authentication against MIT Kerberos on RHEL cl
« Reply #4 on: Jun 1st, 2008, 4:30pm »
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Thank you
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Pete Finnigan (
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Re: Authentication against MIT Kerberos on RHEL cl
« Reply #5 on: Jun 2nd, 2008, 8:27am »
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I have comment regarding the used version. The problem mention here was in 10g.  
When I try the same with 11g there is also some problem. I set up the configuration in the same way as for 10g, but the connection end with another interesting error Smiley
ORA-01637: Packet receive failed.
In 11g docs there is some comment regarding this error but in another context.
After upgrading from a 32-bit version of Oracle Database, the first use of the Kerberos authentication adapter causes an error message: ORA-01637: Packet receive failed.
Workaround: After upgrading to the 64-bit version of the database and before using Kerberos external authentication method, check for a file named /usr/tmp/oracle_service_name.RC on your computer, and remove it.
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Pete Finnigan (
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Re: Authentication against MIT Kerberos on RHEL cl
« Reply #6 on: Jun 2nd, 2008, 11:14pm »
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The problem was with the FQDN of the host in the /etc/hosts
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