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Pete Finnigan's Oracle Security Weblog

This is the weblog for Pete Finnigan. Pete works in the area of Oracle security and he specialises in auditing Oracle databases for security issues. This weblog is aimed squarely at those interested in the security of their Oracle databases.

[Previous entry: "1.02 Million hashes/second Oracle dictionary and brute force password cracker available"] [Next entry: "Alex has added a page to compare the available Oracle password crackers"]

A career change and some site revamping

I have spent quite a few hours this afternoon and this evening making changes to my site. The word "limited" has gone from the logo and all of the commercial services have been removed and my company details have been removed from the contact pages. The biggest change is to the main index page. I have rewritten the index page completely during the last couple of hours.

This is a first attempt so bear with me, it will look more professional after a couple of iterations. The site now gives a more public spirited message to delivering Oracle Security information. The reason for this is that my site will still be updated in my spare time but will no longer have the small commercial bias that it had previously to my own company. This is because from tomorrow I will be employed by Insight Consulting now, part of Siemens Communications based in the UK as a principle consultant specialising in Oracle security, database security and application security.

I have always maintained this site in my spare time and will continue to do so. I have a backlog of stuff to talk about here and also a couple of major updates I have been working on, so watch this space.