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Pete Finnigan's Oracle Security Weblog

This is the weblog for Pete Finnigan. Pete works in the area of Oracle security and he specialises in auditing Oracle databases for security issues. This weblog is aimed squarely at those interested in the security of their Oracle databases.

[Previous entry: "Oracle defends security record"] [Next entry: "Good paper on password policies"]

Brian Duff announces that is live

I saw with interest tonight that Brian of - (broken link) Orablogs has announced that the new Oracle blogging site is live. The post is titled - (broken link) Yep, Oracle are Officially Blogging and it gives some insight into the new site. Brian has been helping OTN move some of the Oracle employees blogs over to the new Oracle blog site The home page currently lists a lot of the home pages of popular Oracle blogs. Brian also announced that he will keep orablogs going as long as he has the time. I would like to say a big thanks to Brian for putting orablogs together and for keeping it running. it has been a great resource for anyone wanting to follow up to date information about Oracle.

The big questions I have are, will include natively non employee blogs like Orablogs does now. Of course there are a lot of non Oracle employee Oracle blogs out there anyway independant of orablogs but some authors originally hosted their blogs on Brian's site.

The second question I have is will Oracle implement a blog aggregator like orablogs on its new site, I hope that it does, I think that it should, I also hope that they invite all the current crop of bloggers, e.g. copy across Brians opml file and ping all the blogs as Brian does. This would be a great resource for everyone.