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Pete Finnigan's Oracle Security Weblog

This is the weblog for Pete Finnigan. Pete works in the area of Oracle security and he specialises in auditing Oracle databases for security issues. This weblog is aimed squarely at those interested in the security of their Oracle databases.

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September 2007 - 3 years of Oracle security blogging

Just a short note tonight. It was three years ago last Thursday that i started to write this Oracle security blog. It seems to be a sort of tradition to make an anniversary post; so hence this post tonight.

The blog is still going strong, despite having been very busy last year I still managed to post around 220 entries which is not bad, I am still year-on-year slowing down with the number of posts but as per last year I still think the subject is not dead, in fact the opposite, there is still plently varied subjects to post about around the world of Oracle security.

When i started this blog I was getting around 360 visits per day and approximately 120,000 visits per year and around 250,000 page views per year. That has grown to an average of around 4800 visits per day, peaking at over 6500 on some weekdays. I got around 1.5 Million visitors last year and around 4 million page views, so its still growing and is slowing slightly based on the start up curve but thats to be expected.

The highlights this year? - probably just recently for me was re-starting my own company - Limited to specialise in Oracle security audits, consulting and training.

Thanks to everyone who has visited my blog over the last three years, I hope it was worth a visit or two!

There has been 2 Comments posted on this article

September 24th, 2007 at 09:39 am

Pete Finnigan says:

Surely the highlight was Tom Kyte at UKOUG in 2005 saying yours was one of the few blogs read by Oracle's senior management?

Cheers, APC

September 24th, 2007 at 10:46 am

Pete Finnigan says:

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for your comment, yes that was a highlight but not of the last year. I also remembered my Question to Tom that prompted that response from him about security patches for Oracle XE, we got one and then that was it. They didnt follow through and make XE a truly useful product. Having it free is great but the numbre of unpatched security issues makes it a serious risk to use it for anything real.

Maybe I can ask Tom again at his keynote this year in Birmingham!!

