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Pete Finnigan's Oracle Security Weblog

This is the weblog for Pete Finnigan. Pete works in the area of Oracle security and he specialises in auditing Oracle databases for security issues. This weblog is aimed squarely at those interested in the security of their Oracle databases.

[Previous entry: "A hint of Oracle's coding standards"] [Next entry: "Speaking events, SQL Hashes and clever password crackers"]

Oracle Defending Against SQL Injection Tutorial

I posted yesterday about Mary Ann's post that mentioned the internal Oracle Security coding standards and Kris made a post to my blog about a very nice Oracle Corp tutorial (really a CBT) called Defending Against SQL Injection Attacks. This was posted to Lutz's blog first.

This tutoral is on Oracle's website and can be run from there. The page is titled "Tutorial on Defending Against SQL Injection Attacks!". Ther is also a link on the same page to download the tutoral so that you can run it locally. I would recommend grabbing it to ensure that you have a copy.

This is a superb tutoral, well written and positioned just right. The tutorial starts with a note that the three worst issues reported in a 2006 report by Fortify are Cross Site scripting (21.5%), SQL Injection (14%) and PHP includes (9.5%). The tutorial starts by explaining what SQL Injection is with some good flash examples and how to avoid SQL Injection. It includes first order and second order attacks and also discusses reducing the attack surface, removing API's, use of invoker rights, reducing arbitary inputs and more. The tutorial goes on to talk about avoiding dynamic SQL, how to use static SQL and what to do if you must use use dynamic SQL.

A good section discusses the use of bind variables and also covers what to do if its not possible to use binds. A detailed lesson also covers the use of DBMS_ASSERT and this is one of the most detailed I have seen. It also includes for the first time an explanation of the DBMS_ASSERT.NOOP function. This, we can now clarify is used to mark a piece of code that is not to be tested by automated test tools (presumably Fortify) as this function does nothing except return the string passed unchanged.

There is also a discussion on identifiers and writing your own filters and also a section on designing code so that its not vulnerable in the first place. The testing section is excellent as it discusses the need to have code reviews, static analysis and also fuzzing for dynamic analysis. The best parts are an insight into the 300 page document as there is a code checklist and a nice names test case list for testing.

Each section also includes a nice quiz. This is a good document and one of the best security documents I have seen from Oracle.

There has been 2 Comments posted on this article

February 15th, 2008 at 01:50 am

Pete Finnigan says:

Thanks for the kind words and detailed review of the tutorial that my team, Oracle Server Technologies Curriculum Development, and Oracle Global Product Security created. We hope to create more training content that will help the Oracle community to produce more robust applications.

February 15th, 2008 at 09:45 am

Pete Finnigan says:

Thanks for your comment Jenny, I hope that you can produce some more good security related tutorials.

