Above is a picture of the course notes for the two days class - How to perform a security audit of an Oracle database - These are printed in two A5 books, one for Day 1 and one for Day 2. They contain approximately 500 MS PPT slides printed one per page and back to back. The printing is Black and White. These were printed in 2010 but the class has not changed drastically in structure so most of the content is still valid. I have 3 copies of two books for sale and they are £20 GBP + Postage + VAT.

Above is a picture of the one day class course notes for the Securing and Locking Down Oracle class. These course notes are printed in colour and there are approximately 230 MS PPT slides printed two slides per page in an A4 bound book. These manuals were printed in May 2016. I have two copies of this manual and I will accept £40 GBP + Postage + VAT per copy.

Above are the course notes for my one day class - Secure Coding in PL/SQL - and they are A4 with two slides per page and there are approximately 230 MS PPT slides. The manuals are printed in Black and white and I have two copies and they were printed in mid 2015. I will accept £30 GBP + Postage + VAT for each copy.

Above is a picture of the class manual for the - secure and lock down Oracle - class. This is an A4 bound manual, Black and White and there are again approximately 230 MS PPT slides. These were printed in mid 2015 and I have two copies. I will accept £30 GBP + Postage + VAT for each copy.

Above is a picture of the class manual for the - Designing Practical Audit Trails in the Oracle Database - class. This is an A4 bound manual, Black and White and there are again approximately 230 MS PPT slides. These were printed in mid 2015 and I have two copies. I will accept £30 GBP + Postage + VAT for each copy.

Above is a picture of the class manual for the - How to perform a security audit of an Oracle database - class. This is an A4 bound manual, Black and White and there are again approximately 610 MS PPT slides. These were printed in mid 2015 and I have two copies. I will accept £50 GBP + Postage + VAT for each copy.
Please email me on info@petefinnigan.com if you are interested to purchase one of these course books that we have for sale. Please also let me know your postal address and I will get an accurate postage price from the post office. Also as we are registered for UK VAT then we may need to also add VAT dependant on where you are. Please get in touch if you would like to purchase one of these course manuals but hurry we don't have many and we will not be repeating this.