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Pete Finnigan's Oracle Security Weblog

This is the weblog for Pete Finnigan. Pete works in the area of Oracle security and he specialises in auditing Oracle databases for security issues. This weblog is aimed squarely at those interested in the security of their Oracle databases.

[Previous entry: "Can we Hack an Oracle APEX Application?"] [Next entry: "Can we Add C Style Pointers to PL/SQL?"]

Extreme PL/SQL

It has been a while since my last blog post here. I have not abandoned blogging. Over the last year and more I have blogged regularly and this is reflected in my Oracle ACE Pro contributions this last year. I have just been accepted as an ACE Pro for another year.

I have not released many blogs recently BUT I have been writing blogs in the background at the same rate as normal to release in the coming weeks as a series of articles around PL/SQL. I wrote back in 2022 about adding a scripting language to PL/SQL and now I have done this. I have created a simple language based on BASIC initially but it will change to be not BASIC as we go along. I have implemented an interpreter in PL/SQL for this simple version of BASIC and tested simple BASIC programs that work and are parsed and executed in PL/SQL. The next step is to complete the implementation of a VM in PL/SQL to simulate a simple CPU that will execute binaries for an assembly language I have designed. The interpreter will change into a compiler for the simple BASIC, it will output assembler for the machine I have created in the VM and assemble that to binary. Finally the binary is executed in the VM/CPU implemented in PL/SQL.

What do I mean with the title of this blog of Extreme PL/SQL?. Well, doing things with PL/SQL that you would not normally do and trying to write systems level code in PL/SQL. I have more things coming up but we will keep that quiet for now!!, ok, one for you now; PL/SQL does not have pointers in the same way that C does. You cannot create a pointer to a type such as char and then malloc memory for that char and access it using its location (pointer) and then retrieve the value. I have been looking at how we might do this in PL/SQL or simulate it more later.

Why? I have always been interested in PL/SQL and also from a security standpoint; there is always a security angle for me. I have some security ideas and things I want to talk about with PL/SQL and maybe with Apex. These ideas will become clearer soon. I might put forward some papers for conferences around this area of extreme PL/SQL and coding things that you would never do.

Watch out soon for the article series on "Extreme PL/SQL" and also compilers, interpreters, VMs, assemblers all in PL/SQL. I have 26 parts already, almost half of them complete and the others in a state of development with code to demonstrate.

Could we write an OS (Operating System) in PL/SQL? not Linux/Windows level of course but maybe at the level of a Monitor that were used to load and run programs in the old 8 bit days. I am focusing on the language layer as compilers, system programming, interpreters and more have interested me since the beginning of the 90s.

Here is a simple example of the interpreter loading and running a simple program with some trace output

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- PFCL_int Interpreter - run examples code in a simple harness
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

lv_prog varchar2(32767):='PRINT var + 3+(7*66) END';
-- initialise the interpreter
-- run the code;
sho err

And the output including trace:

TRACE: Trace Start [25-JUN-2024 08:55:25]
TRACE: [1] gv_source=[PRINT var + 3+(7*66) END]
TRACE: [1] gv_len=[24]
TRACE: [1] gv_posn=[0]
TRACE: [1] Token Type = [KEYWORD ] : Token is = [PRINT]
TRACE: [1] Token Type = [VARIABLE ] : Token is = [var]
TRACE: [1] Token Type = [DELIMETER] : Token is = [+]
TRACE: [1] Token Type = [NUMBER ] : Token is = [3]
TRACE: [1] Token Type = [DELIMETER] : Token is = [+]
TRACE: [1] Token Type = [DELIMETER] : Token is = [(]
TRACE: [1] Token Type = [NUMBER ] : Token is = [7]
TRACE: [1] Token Type = [DELIMETER] : Token is = [*]
TRACE: [1] Token Type = [NUMBER ] : Token is = [66]
TRACE: [1] Token Type = [DELIMETER] : Token is = [)]
TRACE: [1] Token Type = [KEYWORD ] : Token is = [END]
TRACE: [1] Symbol Table ==>
TRACE: [1] symbol name=[var],type=[NUMBER],value=[0]
TRACE: [1] Keyword table ==>
TRACE: [1] Keyword name=[REM],action=[]
TRACE: [1] Keyword name=[LET],action=[]
TRACE: [1] Keyword name=[PRINT],action=[]
TRACE: [1] Keyword name=[IF],action=[]
TRACE: [1] Keyword name=[THEN],action=[]
TRACE: [1] Keyword name=[GOTO],action=[]
TRACE: [1] Keyword name=[END],action=[]
TRACE: Trace End [25-JUN-2024 08:55:25]
No errors.

Watch for the series detailing all of this work with PL/SQL

#oracleace #sym_42 #oracle #database #23c #23ai ##securecode #plsql #extreme #interpreter #compiler