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Pete Finnigan's Oracle Security Weblog

This is the weblog for Pete Finnigan. Pete works in the area of Oracle security and he specialises in auditing Oracle databases for security issues. This weblog is aimed squarely at those interested in the security of their Oracle databases.

Training, twitter, Oracle security products

Time flies by so fast..:-), its been two months since my last blog post but it only seems like yesterday...:-(, Times are very busy for me so blogging has become harder to fit in. Just writing a blog post seems like it should not take long but the whole process daunts so doesn't tend to get done.

In the meantime i have tried to spend a little more time on twitter as its easier to follow quickly (short posts!) and also i can post, retweet, reply etc when on the go via my mobile. I could blog via the mobile but its not comfortable to do so; twitter fills the bill much better at this stage. Please follow petefinnigan on twitter to see my posts. I tend to follow security, reverse engineering, hacking, data breaches, some general stuff and a lot of Oracle people.

Out of interest I did some experiments on three blog posts a few months ago and promoted each via various social media sites such as twitter, facebook, linked in, plaxo... and by using tracking twitter won by two orders of magnitude in terms of click throughs over all of the others combined so certainly for me twitter seems to be a good platform for watching the news and also getting the news out fast.

I have agreed some new public training dates for my class How to perform a security audit of an Oracle database; I will be teaching a two day class in Zagreb, Croatia on October 26th and 27th 2011 and also the same Oracle security audit class in Skopje, Macedonia on the 28th and 29th of September. We have also agreed a few private classes over the next months so public dates are limited because most of our time between training, consulting and audit engagements is reserved for work on our product PFCLScan and our latest product PFCLObfuscate - This is our product to protect IPR within PL/SQL within the database at a number of levels, in terms of protection of the script code itself and also wrap protection - more details on this soon - more products also planned!

OK, signing off, i will try and blog more often but keep up to date by following me on twitter.