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Pete Finnigan's Oracle Security Weblog

This is the weblog for Pete Finnigan. Pete works in the area of Oracle security and he specialises in auditing Oracle databases for security issues. This weblog is aimed squarely at those interested in the security of their Oracle databases.

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Slides from OUG Scotland DBA SIG on Oracle Forensics available

I have posted the slides to my talk from yesterday at the OUG Scotland SIG to my Oracle Security white papers page. They are the first entries in the page. The talk was 45 minutes about Oracle Forensics. This was an interesting discussion and I had some good discussions afterwards with various people on the same subject.

The presentation is based on the one I did for the UKOUG conference last year but it has had quite a few small edits done to it so if you have the old version its certainly worth downloading the new one from yesterday.

Oracle forensics certainly seems to generate a lot of interest and should be a key area very soon as knowledge builds.

On a related subject I finally received my copy of Paul Wright's book about Oracle Forensics a couple of weeks ago. This has taken some time since ordering (some 5 months) to delivery even though the published date still seems to be early 2007, this is a pity as there is clearly a big interest in this area. I have not read it all yet but have skimmed it. The content looks interesting and I will give some comments here at some point when i have some time to read it cover to cover, not much spare time at the moment..:-(