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Pete Finnigan's Oracle Security Weblog

This is the weblog for Pete Finnigan. Pete works in the area of Oracle security and he specialises in auditing Oracle databases for security issues. This weblog is aimed squarely at those interested in the security of their Oracle databases.

[Previous entry: "Slides from my Oracle Security Masterclass at White-Hats are available"] [Next entry: "Two new blogs on Oracle internals"]

Happy Belated 4th Birthday to my blog

Well, it is slightly late BUT I have been blogging about (almost exclusively) Oracle security for 4 years now, the longest running blog dedicated just to Oracle Security. I started this blog on 20th September 2004 and it has been a sort of tradition to create a summary post on the blogs birthday about how it is doing. My first anniversary post titled "Happy first birthday to my Oracle security blog!" included a bit of detail around why I wanted to post about Oracle security what I planned to cover and also the fact that it had not actually been a problem to find things to write about in a subject that even I thought at the start may not have enough topics to cover. I managed 560 posts in the first year. Interestingly my stats had gone from 10,000 visits per month to 64,000 in one year. Also I was getting around 0.5 Million visits in a year.

The second anniversary was covered by a post titled "Two years of Oracle Security blogging and still going strong"; I had dropped off on the number of posts but I was still going strong. I had now around 1.2 Million visits a year and I included details of some highlights.

Last years anniversary is covered in a post titled "September 2007 - 3 years of Oracle security blogging" and this marked another slow in the number of posts, down to 220 in the year, visits up to 1.5 million and now around 4 million page views a year.

Well that brings us to this years anniversary, wow, the year has passed by so fast. I have again lowered the number of posts made in the year, down to 109. As I said at the beginning of last year, one of my highlights was re-starting Limited - well not re-starting as such but being re-employed and running it again. This has been my focus for the last year and will continue to be so. I have really enjoyed the work, the research, the training classes I have taught, all of the presentations I have given and the indulgence in learning more about securing data. It has been hard work and I have seemed to have been busy almost all of the time. There was even a post on my forum some time back where someone suggested Oracle security was now good enough because the likes of me, David and Alex write less now. In may case and i know the others this is not because Oracle security is now good enough but because I have been so busy helping people secure Oracle.

OK, stats, the number of visits has grown to around 1.6 million a year and page views to around 4.3 million a year. So not bad, not growing as fast but growing nonetheless.

The slow down i have had in terms of numbers of posts has not been due to a lack of material, I still believe that there is plenty to talk about around Oracle security, in fact the pool of knowledge is growing rapidly, this is good of course. The slow down for me is that i have been very busy, still am. I would like to have more time for research, pure research rather than improving my tools, writing more, papers and presentations but to dig deeper into some new area and add more value to the whole area of Oracle security.

I am going to try and beef up the number of posts but cannot promise. I have also re-started my Oracle Security newsletter recently, a new one is coming in the next few days, I have started to write it!. OK, one more year over, lets have a good year coming up securing our Oracle databases.

There has been 1 Comment posted on this article

October 6th, 2008 at 09:37 am

Pete Finnigan says:

Happy birthday to Your Oracle security blog, Pete! big grin